Lipo Dissolve

Lipo Dissolve in American Fork, UT

Lipo Dissolve

Lipo Dissolve is a non-invasive treatment that helps reduce fat in targeted areas and cellulite. This treatment contains a customized solution that is directly injected into the layer of fat tissue which is found just beneath your skin. Once the personalized solution is injected into your fat tissue, it begins to break down your fat cell membranes which then allows your fat to be burned off as energy.

It's as easy as 3 simple steps:

1. Decide the areas you'd like to reduce fat in
2. Receive the lipo dissolve injection in those areas
3. Enjoy your beautiful new body!

Benefits of Lipo Dissolve

- It has the ability to treat celluliteIt can improve your blood flow to the treated area
- Excess fat deposits will get dissolved
- It removes fibrotic, hardened connective tissue
- It can improve your lymphatic drainage


$600 per treatment

Lipo Dissolve FAQ's

How long does the treatment take?
When will I see results?
Is there any downtime or are there any side effects?


Lipo Dissolve – $600 per treatment